Richard Griffin
Professor in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Dr. Griffin has 25 years of teaching experience in courses ranging from Environmental Soil Science to Natural Resource Conservation Management and Biostatistics. He has been responsible for coordination and leadership in research, teaching, and service initiatives with local, regional, national, and international collaborators.
Dr. Richard Griffin will integrate the ESRM in the laboratory portion AGRO 2603 Environmental Soil Science. Students will research the phosphorus and hydrologic cycles and then use the database to demonstrate how the phosphorus cycle is linked to the water cycle by microbial activity within the terrestrial and wetland/riparian components of the ecosystem. Students will benefit greatly from recognizing that the world of research and scientific discovery using standard methods takes many paths and the possibilities are literally unlimited. In addition, students will get “hands-on” experience in field and laboratory settings and will be to extend their classroom knowledge to local, regional, and global ecosystem issues. The proposed activities will benefit the department and institution by promoting undergraduate research. This is a core component of the mission and strategic plan to improve and broaden student learning in order to produce a well-versed lifelong learner who is prepared for the challenges that impact our global community.
Office: P.O. Box 519; MS 2008
Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View, TX 77446
Phone: 936.261.5039
Email: rwgriffin@pvamu.edu